Europe forecast - April 07, 2024
Rain western Europe
Fine east

Issued: 0530hrs Sunday 7th April 2024
Duty forecaster: Simon Keeling

Rain western Europe but fine and sunny in the east

Remaining unsettled from west of Ireland from the UK to Denmark and southern Norway with a mix of sunshine and frequent blustery showers , with showers through the morning moving across northwest France to central and fringing into northern Spain, continuing into the afternoon 12 to 14C with showers, elsewhere dry and sunny , becoming warm 22 to 24C.
A mix of rain and showers contining into southern Norway, scattered showers into Sweden with prolonged outbreaks of rain eastern Poland into Lithuania through the morning slowly clearing into and through the evening, 4 to 8C Denmark and southern Scandanavia, 12 to 14C coastal Poland, though up to 18C central Poland.
Fine, dry sunny and warm from Spain to Italy to Solvenia, Serbia, Albania and Romania temperature ranging from 18C central Spain to 24C for Southeast, 16 to 18C fro most of ITaly, though 12 to 14C for northern areas bordering the Alps, up to 20C Croatia and Slovenia and 20 to 24C across Greece Greece to Turkey

Rain for most of central and northernSpain, heavy in the north. Drier for Portugal and southern Spain as well as the far east of Spain. Fine conditions too in the Balearics and Italy with plenty of sunshine here. More sunshine to come across Greece and Turkey, some showers in the east.
Rain in western France but fair to the east. Some showers in the Low Countries but dry and bright for Germany. More sunshine and warm conditions oin Poland. Staying fair for Austria and Hungary with sunshine here. Dry with sunshine in Switzerland too.
Warm and dry in Denmark, decent spells of sunshine. Fair for the Baltic States, sunny spells here throughout. A few showers in Finland but dry overall. Sunny and dry in Sweden. Norway will have a few showers in the west.

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