
North America

Merritt (591m)

day of arrival: Duration:

Time Period : 01.01 - 08.01
 Average Maximum Temperature (Day)   -7 °C /  6 °C
 Average Minimum Temperature (Night)  -15 °C /  -1 °C
 Highest Temperature observed   12  °C
 Lowest Temperature observed   -28  °C
 Average Hours of Sunshine   **** hours
 Average Days with Precipitation   **** days
 Average Windforce  5 km/h
 Highest Peak Gust observed  7 km/h
 Available Data:  11 years

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Nearby Weather Stations - Merritt Distance
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Hope Aerodrome 92.6 km
Clinton 101.8 km
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Clinton/Bleibler Ranch Aerodrome 122.4 km
Summerland 127.8 km
Lillooet 134.3 km
Penticton Airport 134.6 km
Kelowna Intl. Airport 154.2 km
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Pangborn Memorial Airport 165.0 km
Omak Airport 166.4 km
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Vernon 174.5 km
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Williams Lake Airport 187.1 km
Abbotsford Airport 188.6 km
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Yakima Airport 202.2 km
Skagit Regional Airport 207.2 km
Ephrata Airport 209.4 km
Bellingham Intl. Airport 210.8 km
Paine Field 211.5 km
Pemberton Airport 219.2 km
Pitt Meadows Campbell Scientific 219.8 km
Renton Airport 221.1 km
Boeing Field Airport 226.8 km
Grant County Intl. Airport 228.4 km
Seattle 230.0 km
Sunnyside Muni 230.1 km
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Naval Air Station Whidbey 235.0 km
Puyallup Airport 243.0 km
Whistler Airport 243.1 km
Blackcombe Mtn Base 243.6 km
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McChord Field 257.2 km
Quesnal 258.5 km
Quesnel Airport 259.4 km
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Vancouver Hrbour 266.4 km
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Saturna/capmon Cs 274.3 km
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Victoria Uni. Campbell Scientific 298.3 km
Olympia Regional Airport 300.3 km
Victoria Gonzales 301.7 km
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