

Tryavna UV index

Local Time Mo May 06 Tu May 07 We May 08 Th May 09
UV index 7 7 6 5

The strength of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation is expressed as a Solar UV Index or Sun Index.The UV Index does not exceed 8 in the UK (8 is rare; 7 may occur on exceptional days, mostly in the two weeks around the summer solstice). Indices of 9 and 10 are common in the Mediterranean area. The Sun Index forecast refers to the daily maximum.

Last updated: Mon 06 May 06:04 NZST
Nearby Weather Stations - Tryavna Distance
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Giurgiu 112.0 km
Turnu Măgurele 112.4 km
Alexandria 112.9 km
Kardzhali 123.2 km
Razgrad 131.5 km
Roşiorii de Vede 136.9 km
Videle 142.3 km
Bucharest 168.4 km
Edirne 168.8 km
Oltenița 175.0 km
Aurel Vlaicu Intl. Airport 176.9 km
Caracal 178.0 km
Titu 179.6 km
Otopeni 181.4 km
Stolnici 188.3 km
Bechet 196.7 km
Slatina 203.9 km
Mourgash 204.1 km
Târgovişte 207.5 km
Alexandroupolis Airport 207.5 km
Piteşti 211.8 km
Kavala/Chrisoupolis 214.7 km
Ploieşti 216.4 km
Kırklareli 223.6 km
Burgas 223.8 km
Musala 224.3 km
Urziceni 225.8 km
Burgas Airport 226.1 km
Drăgăşani 229.7 km
Câmpina 230.0 km
Craiova 233.6 km
Sofia 236.6 km
Deduleşti 240.3 km
Călăraşi 243.6 km
Câmpulung 247.8 km
Sinaia (1500m) 250.0 km
Curtea de Argeş 250.8 km
Râmnicu Vâlcea 257.6 km
Fundata 259.2 km
Omu 259.7 km
Varna Airport 261.4 km
Pătârlagele 264.4 km
Predeal 265.3 km
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Buzău 271.8 km
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Întorsura Buzăului 287.6 km
Çanakkale 291.4 km
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Bâlea Lake 293.1 km
Tekirdağ 295.4 km
Lemnos Airport 298.2 km
Polovragi 299.2 km
Bisoca 300.1 km
Adamclisi 300.1 km
Feteşti 301.2 km
Sfântu Gheorghe 303.4 km
Valea Râmnicului 304.6 km
Făgăraş 305.6 km
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Çorlu 319.5 km
Târgu Secuiesc 320.7 km
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