

Miercurea Ciuc (662m)

Number of days available for climatic review

Duration of sunshine000000

Duration of sunshine000000

Climate data is usually derived from meteorological data of a certain number of years. The actual number of recorded years may vary from only a couple to 50 years or more. The quality of climate data depends on the number of available recorded years. Fewer years means less reliable data. The standart-period for reliable climate data is 30 years. For example, the mean monthly temperature for, let's say January, would ideally calculated from a total number of 930 recorded January-days. However, the usual number of recorded days is much smaller. The table above shows the actual number of recorded days for every parameter measured.
Nearby Weather Stations - Miercurea Ciuc Distance
Miercurea Ciuc 0.0 km
Baraolt 32.5 km
Joseni 42.0 km
Odorheiu Secuiesc 49.7 km
Sfântu Gheorghe 50.2 km
Luizi Calugara 56.3 km
Târgu Secuiesc 56.6 km
Ceahlau Toaca 66.3 km
Toplița 69.9 km
Ghimbav 71.2 km
Întorsura Buzăului 78.7 km
Predeal 87.9 km
Lacaut Mountain 89.8 km
Retitis-Calimani 91.3 km
Piatra Neamț 92.5 km
Omu 97.3 km
Târgu Ocna 101.5 km
Făgăraş 103.6 km
Sinaia (1500m) 104.4 km
Fundata 107.1 km
Penteleu 107.3 km
Târgu Neamț 111.0 km
Poiana Stampei 117.1 km
Câmpina 122.6 km
Pătârlagele 126.0 km
Dumbrăveni 127.9 km
Batoş 131.9 km
Bacău 132.8 km
Câmpulung 134.4 km
Bisoca 136.0 km
Ploieşti 144.1 km
Roman 144.3 km
Bâlea Lake 146.3 km
Târgu Mureş 147.3 km
Târgovişte 148.2 km
Rădăuți 148.5 km
Suceava Airport 149.0 km
Bistrița 157.0 km
Adjud 162.1 km
Cotnari 165.5 km
Târnăveni 167.8 km
Curtea de Argeş 168.3 km
Botoşani 170.4 km
Titu 172.8 km
Ineu Mountain 173.4 km
Valea Râmnicului 174.9 km
Buzău 174.9 km
Focşani 176.7 km
Boița 177.9 km
Sărmaşu 179.3 km
Piteşti 180.7 km
Otopeni 186.4 km
Deduleşti 187.8 km
Aurel Vlaicu Intl. Airport 189.8 km
Sibiu 191.8 km
Tecuci 193.7 km
Urziceni 193.8 km
Negreşti 195.9 km
Râmnicu Vâlcea 199.7 km
Bucharest 199.8 km
Blaj 201.1 km
Chernivtsi 201.3 km
Darabani 205.2 km
Stolnici 209.8 km
Videle 210.3 km
Păltiniş 212.9 km
Bârlad 213.8 km
Bârnova 215.6 km
Turda 217.3 km
Dej 218.2 km
Voineasa 219.0 km
Ștefăneşti 220.7 km
Vaslui 222.3 km
Iaşi 226.0 km
Cluj-Napoca 232.9 km
Târgu Lăpuş 233.8 km
Grivita 237.6 km
Drăgăşani 239.2 km
Ocna Șugatag 241.8 km
Roşiorii de Vede 242.8 km
Alba Iulia 243.5 km
Alexandria 243.6 km
Polovragi 246.3 km
Slatina 247.4 km
Sebeş 248.3 km
Oltenița 250.1 km
Giurgiu 250.6 km
Obarsia Lotrului 252.3 km
Sighetu Marmației 256.8 km
Slobozia 257.6 km
Chiscani 269.3 km
Băişoara 270.3 km
Galați 270.6 km
Logreşti 271.0 km
Petrila 271.5 km
Zimnicea 275.0 km
Caracal 275.2 km
Petroşani 278.7 km
Ivano-Frankivsk Airport 279.1 km
Călăraşi 279.8 km