

Kazachinsk (362m)

Start End

Wind-direction (January 2000 - December 2008)

N 14 %
NE 6 %
E 3 %
SE 4 %
S 30 %
SW 20 %
W 9 %
NW 13 %

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Nearby Weather Stations - Kazachinsk Distance
Kazachinsk 0.0 km
Kirensk 70.4 km
Tyrka 86.3 km
Khuzhir 102.2 km
Moga 133.3 km
Gorjacinsk 136.3 km
Ust-Barguzin 185.9 km
Ika 187.7 km
Orlinga 198.7 km
Ust-Kut 202.8 km
Kacug 205.4 km
Nizhneangarsk 216.0 km
Tokma 218.4 km
Tompa 241.3 km
Barguzin 244.1 km
Bajandaj 253.3 km
Zhigalovo 271.4 km
Zhigalovo 271.4 km
Khorinsk 282.9 km
Zamokta 290.8 km
Irkutsk Airport 387.5 km
Sosnovo-Ozerskoe 459.8 km
Khamaky 481.3 km
Balagansk 511.0 km