

Najran Domestic Airport (1212m)

Start End

Wind-direction (January 2000 - December 2008)

N 9 %
NE 32 %
E 27 %
SE 11 %
S 4 %
SW 9 %
W 4 %
NW 4 %

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Nearby Weather Stations - Najran Distance
Najran Domestic Airport 0.0 km
Khamis Mushait Airport 188.2 km
Abha 202.9 km
Jizan Regional Airport 212.5 km
Wadi ad-Dawasir Airport 245.8 km
Wadi ad-Dawasir Airport 245.8 km
Bisha Airport 275.5 km
Sharurah Domestic Airport 298.9 km
Al Bahah 377.5 km
Taif Airport 534.7 km