Forecast: Su, 22.09.2024, Tanzania

Cities: 50 (52) Temp. Weather
Arusha 28°C  mostly sunny
Bagamoyo 32°C  light rain
Biharamulo 27°C  showers and thunderstorms
Bukoba 27°C  showers and thunderstorms
Dar es Salaam 33°C  sunny
Dodoma 30°C  sunny
Geita 31°C  mostly sunny
Ifakara 32°C  sunny
Iringa 29°C  sunny
Itigi 33°C  sunny
Kahama 34°C  sunny
Kasulu 30°C  showers and thunderstorms
Katumba 29°C  mostly sunny
Kidatu 32°C  sunny
Kigoma 30°C  showers

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